Dealing With The Challenge Of Creditors When a Loved One passes away, members of the family typically have a lot going through their minds. During this time, it is easy to forget about wrapping up the affairs of the Loved One or the family can be overwhelmed by the...
I wrote the book on Minnesota probate.
Year: 2013
Will The Creditors Of Our Loved One Take My Inheritance?
Dealing With The Challenge Of Creditors When a Loved One passes away, members of the family typically have a lot going through their minds. During this time, it is easy to forget about wrapping up the affairs of the Loved One or the family can be overwhelmed by the...
Why Is A Health Care Directive Important-Minnesota Estate Planning Attorney
Who Will Make Health Care Decisions On Your Behalf? A Health Care Directive is a document that directs medical treatment and medications you would want to receive when you become disabled and cannot express your own wishes. When You Become Disabled I say "when...
Special Needs Trusts For Estate Planning-Minnesota Estate Planning Attorney
Parents With A Special Needs Child A family with a son or daughter that is dealing with autism, Down syndrome, Asperger Syndrome, or other special needs faces an enormous challenge for the care and support of the child. Proper care can be both expensive and time...
Estate Planning By The Book-Peter Pan
Do You Have A Child That Refuses To Grow Up? Do you remember back when you were a child and Mom or Dad would read you a bedtime story? As you were tucked into bed, all sorts of characters and creatures would float through your imagination. Often, these stories held an...
Estate Planning By The Book-Jack and the Beanstalk
A Story With An Estate Planning Twist Do you remember back when you were a child and Mom or Dad would read you a bedtime story? As you were tucked into bed, all sorts of characters and creatures would float through your imagination. Often, these stories held an...
Estate Planning By The Book-Hansel And Gretel
Problems Between Step Parents And The Children Do you remember back when you were a child and Mom or Dad would read you a bedtime story? As you were tucked into bed, all sorts of characters and creatures would float through your imagination. Often, these stories held...
Estate Planning By The Book-Cinderella
What Happens If Your Spouse Remarries? Do you remember back when you were a child and Mom or Dad would read you a bedtime story? As you were tucked into bed, all sorts of characters and creatures would float through your imagination. Often, these stories held an...
Grandpa Was A Hoarder
Dealing With A Disorganized Estate When a Loved One passes away, it can be a challenging time for many families. Let me tell you about a Minnesota family. A couple I will call Mark and Michelle live in Shakopee. Michelle's father Samuel was an old farmer who still had...
Grandpa Was A Hoarder
Dealing With A Disorganized Estate When a Loved One passes away, it can be a challenging time for many families. Let me tell you about a Minnesota family. A couple I will call Mark and Michelle live in Shakopee. Michelle's father Samuel was an old farmer who still had...