Taking Care of Our Mothers Many of us have elderly parents and grandparents who we care for. While it may be sending packages or phone calls from across the USA, or stopping by every day at lunch to check on them, we value our elderly mothers and grandmothers. It's no...
I wrote the book on Minnesota probate.
Dad Is Not Taking His Meds
Caring For Our Elderly Parents Taking care of an elderly parent or grandparent is something that many of us deal with on a frequent basis. As Americans live longer, this is becoming more and more common. Dealing with our parent's care can be very emotional and...
What Is A Guardianship?
Protecting Our Loved Ones It's no secret that as we age, more and more of us are going to require someone else to make decisions for us at some stage of our lives. Our needs will change and we will become more dependent on others for our health and well-being. In...
When A Parent Needs A Guardian
Parents Can Become Dependents, Too We are all acquainted with the process of when an orphaned minor needs a guardian until he or she becomes an adult. But what happens at the other end of the age spectrum, when the parents become physically or mentally disabled and...