Dealing With The Challenge Of Creditors When a Loved One passes away, members of the family typically have a lot going through their minds. During this time, it is easy to forget about wrapping up the affairs of the Loved One or the family can be overwhelmed by the...
I wrote the book on Minnesota probate.
Probate Issues (3 of 5)-Can A Landlord Collect Rent From A Deceased Tenant?
A Challenging Time When a Loved One passes away, it can be a very challenging time for the family. During this time, details can be easily overlooked, and money can be lost. In fact, this is often one of the most important times for managing the estate. A Minnesota...
A Creditor Placed A Judgment Against Dad Before He Passed Away
The Probate Process In Minnesota The Minnesota Probate process provides an orderly process to receive, evaluate, and accept (or reject) credit card or other debt claimed against the decedent. There are a number of exemptions that the executor and their attorney should...
What Should I Do After Someone Dies? Part 2
My Loved One Just Passed Away, What Should I Do? This is Part 2 our my series "What Should I Do After Someone Dies". You can view part one (Steps 1-5) here. Though it may be hard to take action after a Loved One passes away, it is important to take care of certain...
What Should I Do After Someone Dies? Part 1
My Loved One Just Passed Away, What Should I Do? When a Loved One dies, the shock and anxiety can paralyze a family. Often things which should be done right away are ignored while the family is coping with its grief. However, preventive steps taken now can avoid...
(Probate Issues 2 of 5) Isn’t the Probate Attorney The Lawyer For The Whole Family?
A Very Common Misconception A common misconception that many Minnesota families have during a probate proceeding is to assume that the lawyer hired by the executor is there to represent all family members. This is not so. The Executor Hires The Attorney For Just...
(Probate Issues 1 of 5) Will the Probate Court Investigate Improper Actions of the Executor?
Will The Court Look Into It? When the executor of the estate delays on administration or does things which some of the heirs think is wrong, can the heirs call or write the court to have the court look into it? As a general matter, under Minnesota Law the court...
Am I Running Out of Time in Probate?
Probate Can Seem Slow Sometimes the procedures of probate seem to move slowly. Add to this the emotions of dealing with a Loved One's affairs and it can be difficult to stay on top of the tasks required to complete the affairs. This can make it easy to forget that...
Will My Sister’s Loan From Dad Be Deducted From Her Inheritance?
Family Loans Come With A Price When a child borrows money from a parent, especially a large amount, it is not uncommon for the other siblings to be jealous or at least curious about the family loan. However, if the loan goes unpaid before the death of the parent, this...
Co-Executor On A Probate Split Decision
A Disagreement Over The Estate In some instances, there can be co-executors on a Minnesota probate (another name for executor is personal representative). This is not uncommon. However, it can also pose a very serious dilemma. What happens when the co-executors...