Dealing With The Challenge Of Creditors When a Loved One passes away, members of the family typically have a lot going through their minds. During this time, it is easy to forget about wrapping up the affairs of the Loved One or the family can be overwhelmed by the...
I wrote the book on Minnesota probate.
Grandpa Was A Hoarder
Dealing With A Disorganized Estate When a Loved One passes away, it can be a challenging time for many families. Let me tell you about a Minnesota family. A couple I will call Mark and Michelle live in Shakopee. Michelle's father Samuel was an old farmer who still had...
Grandma Was A Hoarder
Losing A Loved One Is Hard After the loss of a Loved One, members of the family typically have a lot on their mind. Between planning the funeral and contacting others, there is often a lot to get finished in a short amount of time. However, sometimes the biggest...
My Stepson Is Stealing My Inheritance
Blended Families Dealing With Probate Blended families are very common in Minnesota today. Since there are so many families with stepparents and stepchildren, it is important to understand that estate planning must be adapted to protect blended families. A Story About...
What Should I Do After Someone Dies? Part 2
My Loved One Just Passed Away, What Should I Do? This is Part 2 our my series "What Should I Do After Someone Dies". You can view part one (Steps 1-5) here. Though it may be hard to take action after a Loved One passes away, it is important to take care of certain...
My Stepfather Is Stealing My Inheritance!
A Tale Of A Minnesota Stepfamily Here is a tale about a Minnesota stepfamily, which can happen all too often in reality. After Dad passed away, Mom lived by herself for a while and eventually met someone new. Six years ago, she remarried; this time to a man who was...
My Stepmother Is Taking My Inheritance
Dad's New Wife Let me tell you a story: After Mom died, Dad lived alone for awhile and remarried five years ago in Minnesota. The adult children from Dad's first marriage were not pleased with Isabella, Dad's second wife. She seemed terribly rude, and often appeared...
Inheritance Rights – They All Started With The Magna Carta
Inheritance Rights - They All Started With The Magna Carta Old Fashioned Procedures In Modern Minnesota Probate Often my Minnesota clients ask why some of the procedures in probate and inheritance matters seem complicated and sometimes old fashioned. The truth of the...