Dealing With The Challenge Of Creditors When a Loved One passes away, members of the family typically have a lot going through their minds. During this time, it is easy to forget about wrapping up the affairs of the Loved One or the family can be overwhelmed by the...
I wrote the book on Minnesota probate.
Probate Court
(Probate Issues 1 of 5) Will the Probate Court Investigate Improper Actions of the Executor?
Will The Court Look Into It? When the executor of the estate delays on administration or does things which some of the heirs think is wrong, can the heirs call or write the court to have the court look into it? As a general matter, under Minnesota Law the court...
Can I Get Child Support in Probate Court?
Obligations For Child Support All too often when a parent dies who has minor children, the custodial parent loses out on child support. This is unfortunate but it can be handled in the probate proceeding. However, time is of the essence. The parent who takes care of...